Stated policies

Stated policies on editorial independence

Ensuring editorial independence is crucial for maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of a digital media platform, especially when dealing with political news and analysis. Here are some key policies that can be implemented to safeguard editorial independence:

  1. Editorial Charter:
  • Develop and publicly share an editorial charter that outlines the values, principles, and standards guiding the platform’s journalism.
  • Clearly state the commitment to unbiased reporting, fact-checking, and providing diverse perspectives.
  1. Independence from Ownership:
  • Establish a clear separation between editorial and ownership/management functions.
  • Clearly communicate that owners or investors will not interfere in the day-to-day editorial decision-making process.
  1. Journalistic Integrity Guidelines:
  • Develop and adhere to strict journalistic integrity guidelines that emphasize accuracy, fairness, and impartiality in reporting.
  • Provide ongoing training for journalists and editorial staff on ethical reporting standards.
  1. Conflict of Interest Policy:
  • Implement a robust conflict of interest policy to identify and manage potential conflicts that could compromise editorial independence.
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the audience when relevant.
  1. Transparency in Sourcing:
  • Clearly attribute information to its sources and verify the credibility of those sources.
  • Provide transparency about the editorial process, from idea generation to publication.
  1. Corrections and Accountability:
  • Acknowledge and correct errors promptly and transparently.
  • Implement a mechanism for audience feedback and concerns, and publicly address them.
  1. Whistleblower Protection:
  • Establish a system to protect whistleblowers within the organization who may identify attempts to compromise editorial independence.
  • Encourage staff to report any undue influence or interference.
  1. Legal Protections:
  • Familiarize the editorial team with legal protections for journalistic freedom and freedom of speech.
  • Be prepared to defend editorial decisions in court if necessary.
  1. Public Commitment:
  • Publicly commit to editorial independence through statements on the platform’s website, in promotional materials, and during public appearances.

By adhering to these policies, the digital media platform can build and maintain a reputation for editorial independence, fostering trust among its audience and the broader public.

Adopted at a meeting of the Management Board of the „Pygmalion“ Foundation on 14.12.2023